Saturday, December 7, 2019

Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information free essay sample

Bradford College of Management Unit 16: Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Candidate Name:. Candidate ID: Date of Issues: 23rd May 2011 Date of Submission: 07 July 2011 Receiver signature:.. date:. - Assessor Comments: Assessor Grade: pass/Refer Internal Verifier Grade: Pass/Refer External Verifier Comments: External Verifier Comments :. . Important Note  : * Candidates attempting to gain unfair advantages or colluding in any way whatsoever are liable to be disqualified. * Authors ‘work which is used in your assignment and not referenced is plagiarism. Plagiarism is an offence. * Always reference your work correctly as it is vital part of your assignment and you may lose grade points for incorrect referencing. Bradford College of Management Unit 3: Strategic Change Management Assignment Questions Introduction The course is assessed by a single assignment which aims to provide candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information. In this assignment you are required to demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge and continue your research for further details if necessary. It covers both theoretical and practical aspects of this unit and deals with all learning outcomes and their assessment criteria as given below. Learning Outcomes | Assessment Criteria to be covered | 1 Assess information andknowledge needs internallyand externally to improvedecision making and taking| 1. identify the range of decisions to be taken1. 2 review information and knowledge needed to ensureeffective decision taking1. 3assess internal and external sources of informationand understanding1. 4 make recommendations for improvement| 2 Create strategies to increasepersonal to networkingwiden involvement in thedecision-making process| 2. 1 identify personnel including customers, otherstakeholders and other experts2. 2 make contact with those identified and developbusiness relationships2. 3involve those identified in decision making asappropriate2. 4 suggest strategies for improvement| 3 Develop ommunicationprocesses to improve thegathering and disseminationof information andorgan isational knowledge| 3. 1 evaluate existing processes of communication in anorganisation and look to ensure and improve appropriateness3. 2 implement and justify improvements to ensuregreater integration of systems of communication inthat organisation3. 3 on a personal level, identify weaknesses and developa personal plan to improve communication skills| 4 Design and improveappropriate systems for thecollection, storage anddissemination of and access tothe information andknowledge gathered| 4. evaluate existing approaches to the collection,formatting, storage, disseminating information and knowledge4. 2 implement and justify appropriate changes toimprove the collection, formatting, storage,disseminating information and knowledge4. 3 implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge to others as appropriate| Achievements Pass | Your assignment must reflect a clear understanding of the assessment criteria. Merit | This assignment offers you the opportunity to achieve two Merit descriptors if your work demonstrate that you have: a) Made effective judgements based on your study and research, b) Used a range of sources of information , and c) Presented your assignments logically and coherently| Distinction | You have an opportunity to achieve Distinction descriptor if your work demonstrate that you have: a) Analysed information critically on the basis of theoretical knowledge and made a justified valid conclusion b) Applied convergent and lateral thinking supported by literature c) Demonstrated some independent thoughts generated through logical discussion supported by literature| Assignment Tasks Case Study A great deal of managements current concern for employee productivity and the need to empower people has revolved around the use of effective communication systems to improve productivity and create cohesion within the organization in order to address this concern, the management of General Electric Co. and Cypress Semi conductor Corporation have observed that to improve productivity, communication concerns needed to be dealt with to solve the main problem of the lack of communication and cooperation among different components of a business which has impacted negatively on the organisation productivity. In this perspective, the CEO of the Electric Co. and Cypress Semi conductor Corporation has recognised the need to develop appropriate communication strategies to address the lack of communication within the organisation. Furthermore, the CEO think that communicating is extremely important to the success of their business, but since the company was established communication systems have been so weak and therefore affected the growth of the business. The CEO has directed the Human Resource Department to hire a specialist with sufficient knowledge and experience in the design, advice, and expertise in the area of communication. Following the CEO request, you have been employed to put in place communication strategies which will contribute to the organisation business growth. You are expected to complete all tasks by providing comprehensive answers with appropriate illustration wherever required. Task 1 Considering the above scenario, you are required to assess information and knowledge needs internally and externally to improve decision making and taking processes within the General Electric Co. and Cypress Semi conductor Corporation . Your answer should: 1. 1. Identify the range of decisions to be taken 1. 2. Review information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking 1. 3. Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding of these sources 1. 4 makes recommendations for improvement Task 2: As part of the organisation vision, you are required to create strategies to increase personal networking in order to widen involvement in the decision-making process suitable to the General Electric Co. nd Cypress Semi conductor Corporation. Your answer should: 2. 1. Identify personnel including customers, other stakeholders and other experts 2. 2. Make contact with those identified and develop business relationships 2. 3. Involve those identified in decision making as appropriate 2. 4. Suggest strategies for improvement Task 3: In the above scenario case, the organisation strategic objective is to develop communication processes in order to improve the gathering and dissemination of information and organisational knowledge. Your answer should: 3. 1. Evaluate existing processes of communication in an organisation and look to ensure and improve appropriateness 3. 2. Implement and justify improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in that organisation 3. 3. On a personal level, identify weaknesses and develop a personal plan to improve communication skills Task 4 As a specialist in the domain of communication strategies, you are required to design and improve appropriate systems for the collection, storage and dissemination of and access to the information and knowledge gathered. Your answer should: 4. 1. Evaluate existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and knowledge 4. 2. Implement and justify appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and knowledge 4. . Implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge to others as appropriate. Submission Guidelines: You must: * Complete, sign and submit statement of authenticity. * Submit your work in a single word processed document of 2500 to 3000 words. Th is word limit is only for guidance and is not applied on grading. * Produce clear specific reasoning and argument in support of your answer. * Make appropriate reference to relevant concepts, techniques and theories. * Appropriately cite all information sources (in the text and bibliography). (Consult with your tutor if you are uncertain about any aspect of the assignment)

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